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Growth conference

September 5 - 8

The Studios at CWRK

Studio space for artists and creatives looking to connect with others in the community. Our resident artist is Mindy Meyers. Our resident media + communication company is Mountain Media House. 


General Admission


  • List all of the exciting benefits your customer will get if they purchase this tier.

  • What networking and learning opportunities are available to them at the conference?

  • What parts of the conference can they access?

  • Do they have access to any recorded programming?

  • What are their food, transportation, and accommodation options?



  • List all of the exclusive benefits your VIP customer will get if they purchase this tier.

  • What networking and learning opportunities are available to them at the conference?

  • What parts of the conference can they access?

  • Do they have access to any recorded programming?

  • What are their food, transportation, and accommodation options?

Resident Artist and Agency

Mindy Meyers

Mountain Media House

Media + Communication

Add a catchphrase for your video



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“This is your chance to give social proof about how great your event is. Add testimonials that help people understand the value of your event.”
Ervin Howell, VP Product, Deckow-Crist
“This is your chance to give social proof about how great your event is. Add testimonials that help people understand the value of your event.”
Clementina DuBuque, SVP Sales, Hoeger LLC.
“This is your chance to give social proof about how great your event is. Add testimonials that help people understand the value of your event.”
Kurtis Weissnat, CMO, Brunlow Inc.