We need to laugh and feel good. I try to put as positive a vibe as possible, focusing on uplifting things people are doing while working through the situation.
There is a fine line in radio, and communications overall, in how much emphasis we put on the pandemic. It certainly needs to be addressed, and information needs to be disseminated to the public. I do my share of that, of course, but I also try to maintain an element of entertainment. I firmly believe people still want to be entertained.
I don’t find it useful to come in and do a daily “doom & gloom” report, such as numbers of new cases and deaths, and talking about which notable people now have the virus.
During this time of the pandemic, my day is structured pretty much the same as it always was. I get in around 4am, do show prep, etc. and start the show at 5am. I then do production and other duties until the lunch hour and return to wrap up anything that needs to be handled in the afternoon.
The only change, really, is the volume of commercial production that I ordinarily do in the afternoon. That has slowed with many businesses being closed for the time being.